
Start Reservation


Airport offices

    Downtown Offices

      • Location address

      • Opening hours

      Airport offices

      Downtown Offices

      • Location address

      • Opening hours

      Open timepicker



      Opening hours:

      Mon-Fri: 08:00AM-12:00PM


      In case the drop-off time is later than the pick-up time, additional rental day may be charged.

      Open timepicker



      Opening hours:

      Mon-Fri: 08:00AM-12:00PM


      In case the drop-off time is later than the pick-up time, additional rental day may be charged.



      Zubie, a leading asset-tracking platform, and telematics provider has a partnership with Carwiz, a European car rental brand. This partnership provides franchisees and affiliates of the Carwiz brand with vehicle telematics data such as fleet vehicle health, live location, fuel level, odometer reading, and much more across its locations worldwide. Zubie is an endorsed partner with Carwiz and its affiliates, providing car rental guests with a more streamlined check-in/check-out process. In turn, this gives its employees access to more accurate information and empowers them to provide customers with a better experience from the start.

      Since 2012, Zubie has delivered real-time information about vehicles in an easy-to-use format to help rental operations manage and optimize their fleets. Zubie won the “2015 Best Insurance Telematics Product” award from TU Automotive, and Auto Connected Car’s 2016 Tech CARS award for “Best OBDII Device with Software and Services.” Zubie continues to focus on innovative solutions for vehicle rental operations to simplify processes and provide more robust vehicle usage analytics. LEARN MORE

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