
Start Reservation


Airport offices

    Downtown Offices

      • Location address

      • Opening hours

      Airport offices

      Downtown Offices

      • Location address

      • Opening hours

      Open timepicker



      Opening hours:

      Mon-Fri: 08:00AM-12:00PM


      In case the drop-off time is later than the pick-up time, additional rental day may be charged.

      Open timepicker



      Opening hours:

      Mon-Fri: 08:00AM-12:00PM


      In case the drop-off time is later than the pick-up time, additional rental day may be charged.



      U.S. Affiliate Opportunity

      In celebration of our third consecutive appearance at ICRS in Las Vegas, we're rolling out an exclusive campaign tailored for experienced car rental operators serving US airport locations. 

      Sign up with us between March 11th and April 11th to take advantage of our latest US affiliate network expansion campaign. 

      A 12-month money-back guarantee, designed to instill confidence and assure your success as a valued member of our affiliate network. If you decide not to renew the partnership after 12 months, we’ll refund you the initial setup fee, no questions asked.
      Why join Carwiz? Here's the scoop:

      Increased Revenue: Joining us can help you expand your client base and increase  profits

      Effortless Operations: Say goodbye to headaches with our slick booking system and smooth rental processes

      Marketing support: We provide top-notch marketing support to help you promote your services effectively

      Round-the-Clock Support: We've got your back 24/7, because your success is our mission

      Got questions or just want to chat? Or maybe you'd prefer a face-to-face meeting in Vegas with our team? Schedule both by clicking HERE!

      Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to elevate your business to new heights. Together, we can drive success and profitability for your car rental operation.

      If you as an owner of a car rental company are looking for ways to grow your business and want to be part of one of the fastest-growing brands in the market, we encourage you to contact us. We are offering a brand new US Affiliate program guided by experienced industry experts in the car rental sector.

      In contrast to our Franchise business model in the rest of the world, our U.S. Affiliate program allows you to operate as an independent company and at the same time gain access to our reservation-generating system. This will give you exposure to all the top online travel agencies like Expedia, Priceline, Orbitz, Travelocity,, Qeeq,, Carnect, Discovercars, and many more!

      We connect independent, local car rental service providers around the world for the benefit of the customer, with the guidance to focus on your market and business operations, individually and flexibly.

      Joining our affiliate network is simple and hassle-free with the extremely quick onboarding process. Start getting bookings within a month from the day you sign up with us!

      Fill the form below to start the process of opening your Carwiz location.



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